̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ has a long history of taking on unique, complex and challenging projects. Our award-winning success comes from the talent and experience of our employees, the creativity of our solutions, and above all, our commitment to a safe workplace. ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ has developed a safety culture by committing to education, responsibility, communication and continuous improvement. Safety culture keeps our workers safe and provides value and efficiency to our customers.

Advanced American Construction commits to safety by following local and regional regulatory requirements, client specifications for the unique needs of projects, employee safety committee recommendations and current and leading indicators. These factors are all reflected in a comprehensive written safety program. But our safety culture goes much further than a written policy. ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ's safety record has improved year over year for 3 consecutive years because of the implementation of daily safety meetings, regular communication and a commitment on all levels of the organization to safety excellence. 

The Core Principles of ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ’s Safety Culture

Commitment – Safety at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ starts at the top with our president and flows through every level of the organization. Our commitment to safety and emergency 
preparedness keeps our workers safe and builds value and efficiency for our customers by minimizing lost time and keeping operating costs down.

Education –  Ì½»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ educates its employees on company policies and procedures, regulatory requirements, and safest practices to address the day to day operational hazards in our workplace. Technical field procedures for job related work and ongoing training programs are provided to employees and tracked carefully.

Responsibility – No one is off the hook when it comes to safety. Each employee at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ is responsible for working safely and ensuring the safety of others. This responsibility includes:
  • Keeping work areas clean and free of hazards
  • Inspecting tools and equipment prior to use
  • Asking questions when something is unfamiliar or unclear
  • Intervening when an unsafe practice is observed - every employee is empowered with stop-work authority and expected to speak up if work is unsafe.
Communication – Clear and concise communication is critical to ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ’s safety success. Regular safety meetings and company communications reinforce the company’s standards for safety and emergency response and communicate specific best practices, updated regulations and job-related requirements.

Continuous Improvement – We are always striving to improve. Every project brings opportunities to learn from new situations and find ways to do our work better and safer.

̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ is client-qualified through ISN, Browz, SMI, Construct Secure & PICs Auditing



̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ÏµÁÐ Safety Award

  • AGC 2021 - Willis Construction Safety Excellence Award
  • AGC 2020 - National Safety Award
  • DJC 2019 - Hard Hat Safety Award    
  • AGC 2016 CSEA Award – Construction Safety Excellence
  • ​AGC 2015 ROSE Award - Recognition of Safety Excellence
  • AGC 2014 ROSE Award - Outstanding Program Award - Oregon Columbia                                                                                                                                    
  • ​AGC 2013 ROSE Award - Recognition of Safety Excellence​
  • AGC 2013 ROSE Award - Recognition of Safety Excellence​
  • AGC 2013 Willis Construction Safety Excellence Award, First Place
  • ​AGC 2012 ROSE Award - Runner Up
  • ​AGC 2003 Washington Award for Excellence in Safety and Risk Management
  • AGC 2003 Oregon Columbia Chapter Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Workers Compensation Record